Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Time to Get Testing!

You did it!  We researched, designed, planned, created and finished our final blogs!  As you look at your finished product, you should be proud of your accomplishments.

Now, in this phase, you will take a step back to reflect on the outcome of your product.

Your task is to create a post that includes and addresses the following: 

Introductory Paragraph (to help readers understand the need and process of evaluating a final product and our selves through this process.)

Product Evaluation (potential questions)
  • What are your feelings about your final product? (Positive and/or negative)
  • What aspect of your final product are you most proud of and why?
  • How does your final product meet your design specifications i.e. your personal criteria, functional blog requirements, design elements and your personality/theme?
  • What features or functions on your blog would you change to make a better product?
Personal Reflection   (potential questions)
  • Moving forward, what steps can you take to grow your blog and use it as a tool to have a positive effect on yourself and your community?
  • How effective do you feel you were in this unit?  What actions or behaviors will you carry over or change for our next unit? 
  • What learner profile do you think you best exhibited in this unit and which profile do you feel you would like to work on and strengthen for the next unit?
  • How can sharing our thought and ideas online (in a safe and responsible manner) have a positive effect on our community and ourselves (our unit question.)
Conclusion paragraph (that sums up the success of your final product.)

You may either do this in written or video format.  If you opt for the video option, note the following:
  • Suggested web tool to create video:  http://screencast-o-matic.com/
    • Or Photobooth/Quicktime recording
  • Video length should be no more than 7 minutes.
  • Video must be uploaded to your school YouTube channel and then embedded in your blog post.
  • An Outline should be written first so you have a clear sense of what you plan on talking about.

Due Dates:

  • All 6th Grade Students  Dec. 18th (W)

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